Installing Cumulative Updates on Exchange Server 2016

The means for installing cumulative updates on Exchange 2016:

  • Plan by downloading update files, actually taking a look at reinforcements, and evaluating known issues
  • Update Mailbox servers in the web confronting destinations
  • Update Mailboz servers in any leftover interior destinations (assuming any)
  • Update Edge Transport servers (assuming any)
  • Perform wellbeing checks and rebalancing of servers


Before you introduce any aggregate reports on your Exchange 2016 servers, you should first:

  • Download the cumulative update from Microsoft. Try not to download from any outsider sites. You can download the most recent cumulative update and overhaul an Exchange 2016 to the most recent adaptation in one update. You don't have to install each of the total updates delivered between your present variant and the most recent adaptation.
  • Check that you have affirmed, working backup of your Active Directory.
  • Check that you have affirmed, working backup of your Exchange servers and databases.
  • Confirm that you have archived any customizations to your Exchange server that should be re-applied, for example, custom OWA login pages, web.config changes, library changes, or outsider additional items. As a rule you don't have to re-apply standard Exchange designs that are set by means of the Exchange Admin Center or Exchange the executives shell (for example changing default message size limits).
  • Confirm that your Exchange SSL certificates have not terminated.
  • Really take a look at the Exchange Supportability Matrix and confirm that you are keeping up with the .NET Framework on your servers to stay compatible with Exchange.

Request of Installation of Exchange 2016 Updates

Cumulative updates for Exchange 2016 ought to be installed in the web confronting website first, prior to introducing in different destinations in the association.

  • Mailbox servers are updated first
  • Edge Transport servers can be updated last

For load-balanced servers and Exchange 2016 DAG individuals, there will be a timeframe during which all servers are not at a similar adaptation. This is normal, and upheld, however you should plan to keep overhauling servers so they are completely refreshed inside a sensible timeframe. You can offset that proposal with the requirement for alert, for example trusting that issues will emerge on the main updated server prior to sending to different servers. As a guideline, focus on "days or weeks" rather than "months" between server updates, contingent upon the size of your current circumstance.

Deploying Exchange 2016 Cumulative Updates

The interaction for establishment is as per the following:

1. Perform the Active Directory pattern changes and updates. This is performed once for the whole Active Directory environment. You don't have to rehash this for every server being upgraded.

2. Upgrade servers. For every server thusly:

  • Place the server into maintenance mode.
  • Install the update.
  • Perform testing.
  • Remove the server from maintenance mode.

3. Perform post-installation undertakings:

  • Rebalance database availability groups.
  • Restore customizations.
  • Perform a health check of the environment.

Dynamic Directory Schema Changes and Updates

Most total updates will incorporate Active Directory construction changes, just as different updates, for example, changed to RBAC jobs. Sometimes, the presence of changes will rely upon which past CU you're upgrading from. So when in doubt you should get ready for AD schema changes and updates to happen.

The AD planning errands can be run ahead of your server updates, or they can be permitted to run consequently as a component of the main server update process. Regardless, Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins privileges will be required. What's more on the off chance that you're running the update from an Exchange server, the RSAT-ADDS highlight should be installed.

Prior to applying the outline update follow the means given by Michael B Smith to retrive the current Exchange composition adaptation, so you can think about it previously, then after the fact the AD planning steps have been finished to check that the mapping update was applied.

1. Run setup.exe /PrepareSchema /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms (requires Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins permissions, and must be performed in the same AD Site as the Schema Master on a server with the RSAT-ADDS-Tools feature installed – the Schema Master itself would meet these requirements)

2. Run setup.exe /PrepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

3. Run setup.exe /PrepareDomain /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms in each domain in your forest that contains Exchange servers or mailboxes. If you have a single domain, the previous step has already done this for you.

At the point when the Active Directory changes have been applied, on every server run the update.

Upgrading Exchange 2016 Servers

For Exchange 2016 Mailbox and Edge Transport servers, regardless of whether they are independent, load-balanced, or some portion of a DAG, utilize the accompanying system.

Set the HubTransport part to "Depleting", and divert any messages as of now in the line to another server. Assuming you're running a solitary Exchange server, you can avoid the divert order.

[PS] C:\>Set-ServerComponentState EX01 –Component HubTransport –State Draining –Requester Maintenance
[PS] C:\>Redirect-Message -Server EX01 -Target

Assuming the server is a DAG part, run the accompanying commands. On the off chance that your server isn't a DAG part, jump to the order for setting ServerWideOffline.

[PS] C:\>Suspend-ClusterNode –Name EX01
Name ID State
---- -- -----
EX2016SRV1 1 Paused

Disable database copy auto-activation. This order will likewise move any active database copies to other DAG individuals, expecting there are other solid DAG individuals accessible. This isn't momentary, it can require a few minutes for the moves to happen. We'll beware of it in a matter of seconds in any case.

[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxServer EX01 –DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $true

Make a note of the database copy auto-activation policy on the server, so you can hamper it to this worth toward the finish of maintenance.

[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxServer EX01 | Select DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy
DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy : Unrestricted

If the policy is not already set to “Blocked”, run the following command to set it.

[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxServer EX01 –DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Blocked

Check for any database copies that are as yet mounted on the server. This order should return no outcomes. Assuming any database copies are as yet active on the server, and there are other DAG individuals that host database copies, play out a manual switchover.

[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -Server EX01 | Where {$_.Status -eq "Mounted"}

If any mounted db aviable:

Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase DB2 -ActivateOnServer EX02 -MountDialOverride:None

Place the server into maintenance mode.

[PS] C:\>Set-ServerComponentState EX01 –Component ServerWideOffline –State InActive –Requester Maintenance

For servers that are in a load-balanced pool:

  • Confirm that the load balancer wellbeing looks at have taken the server of the pool or stamped it as disconnected/dormant.
  • Assuming that the load balancer doesn't naturally do this, physically mark the server as disconnected/idle.

For servers that are in a DNS cooperative gathering, eliminate the DNS record for this current server's IP address.

Before you run Exchange setup to install the cumulative update:

  • Play out a restart of the server to clear any forthcoming reboot status that will prevent Exchange setup from running.
  • Confirm that the PowerShell execution strategy is set to Unrestricted according to KB981474.

Later the restart, launch an elevated CMD prompt, and run the run command from the folder where the Exchange setup files are found:

X:> setup /m:upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

Later the cumulative update has installed, restart the server. At the point when the server has been restarted, play out a fundamental wellbeing check of the server:

  • Survey event logs for new or unnecessary blunders and alerts
  • Make sure that auto-start services on the server have started

You would now be able to eliminate the server from maintenance mode. Note, assuming the server isn't a DAG part, then, at that point, just the first and last commands are essential. Assuming the server is a DAG part, utilize the database copy auto-activation policy esteem that was set on the server before being put into maintenance mode (the default is "Unrestricted").

[PS] C:\>Set-ServerComponentState EX01 –Component ServerWideOffline –State Active –Requester Maintenance
[PS] C:\>Resume-ClusterNode –Name EX01
Name ID State
---- -- -----
EX2016SRV1 1 Up
[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxServer EX01 –DatabaseCopyAutoActivationPolicy Unrestricted
[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxServer EX01 –DatabaseCopyActivationDisabledAndMoveNow $false
[PS] C:\>Set-ServerComponentState EX01 –Component HubTransport –State Active –Requester Maintenance

Post-Installation Tasks

After deploying an Exchange 2016 cumulative update there are some post-installation errands that you ought to perform.

Rebalance Database Availability Groups

All through the update interaction the database copies in your DAG will have been moved between DAG individuals, perhaps on numerous occasions. To restore your active database copies to their most favored DAG part (also known as "rebalancing the DAG"), utilize the PowerShell script provided by Microsoft.

[PS] C:\>cd $exscripts
[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\scripts\>.\RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1 -DagName DAG01 -BalanceDbsByActivationPreference

Reestablish Customizations

Later you have finished updating your servers you should re-apply any customizations that you had recorded during the planning ventures above.

Play out a Health Check of Servers

Here are a few ideas for wellbeing actually looking at your Exchange servers in the wake of applying updates.

  • Check the cluster nodes are for the most part up – confirm that you have not left any DAG individuals suspended in the bunch by running the Get-ClusterNode cmdlet on one of the DAG individuals.
  • Test administration wellbeing – utilize the Test-ServiceHealth cmdlet to check that all necessary administrations are running on every server.
  • Test MAPI network to each information base – utilize the Test-MAPIConnectivity cmdlet to check that all data sets are mounted and open.
  • Check the data set duplicate status for DAGs – utilize the Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus cmdlet to confirm that all information base duplicates, duplicate/replay lines, and content lists are sound.
  • Test replication wellbeing for DAGs – utilize the Test-ReplicationHealth cmdlet on every DAG part to check replication wellbeing is great.
  • Actually look at the data set initiation strategy for every Mailbox server – check that every Mailbox server that is in a DAG has the right database activation policy for your current circumstance.
  • Actually take a look at server part status – use Get-ServerComponent to confirm that you have not left any servers in maintenance  mode.

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